13. Robin Harper (Lothians) (Green): To ask the Scottish Executive what limits, if any, it is considering imposing on further development of opencast mining. (S3O-11291)
The Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change (Stewart Stevenson):
Scottish planning policy fully sets out the Scottish Government's planning policies on surface coal mining. No further limits on development are being considered in relation to opencast mining.
Robin Harper: In 2009, the Scottish ministers issued a new planning circular that removed a key safeguard for local communities that are threatened by opencast mining in their areas. Between 2007 and 2009, permission was granted for an increase of one third in the tonnage of coal that companies could extract by opencast mining. The minister is aware of the concerns that communities throughout Scotland—from Mainshill in Ayrshire to the Airfield site on the border between East Lothian and Midlothian—have about the new opencast plans. Will he meet me and representatives of those communities to discuss their concerns?
Stewart Stevenson: In view of the role that I may play in any planning decision, including the ones to which Robin Harper referred, I will be unable to meet on the terms that he suggests. However, I offer a meeting with my officials, who can discuss the details of our policy and practice. That should be of assistance to him.