

28 October 2010

(S3O-11755) Gourock to Dunoon Ferry Service Tender

8. David Stewart (Highlands and Islands) (Lab): To ask the Scottish Executive what the timetable is for the tendering of the Gourock to Dunoon ferry service. (S3O-11755)

The Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change (Stewart Stevenson):

Ministers are currently considering the tender and contract documents for the Gourock to Dunoon ferry service. When the documentation is finalised, the timetable for the remaining stages of the procurement process will be announced.

David Stewart: The minister will be well aware that in accordance with article 18 of the European Union procedural regulations, the Scottish Government was required to launch a public tender for the route before 2009. The subsequent public service contract should start before June 2011. Will the Government comply with that timetable? If not, is the minister aware that that will cause widespread disappointment in Argyll and Bute and beyond?

Stewart Stevenson: We are continuing to work with the European Commission on that very important service but, fundamentally, we seek to deliver for the people of the Cowal peninsula and Dunoon a service that carries both vehicles and passengers. Every part of our effort is directed at ensuring that we give it the best possible opportunity.

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