2. Mike Rumbles (West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine) (LD): To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will fulfil its commitment to replace the Inveramsay bridge during its current term of office. (S3O-11670)
The Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change (Stewart Stevenson):
The Government has made a commitment to deliver a new Inveramsay bridge as part of wider upgrades to the A96. Inveramsay has long been a serious hindrance to local people and acts as a block to development. Transport Scotland has now received the feasibility study into options to upgrade the bridge, which it is considering. In the light of that, I have asked Transport Scotland to complete its consideration of the options as soon as possible and to seek out opportunities to support the economic and social needs of communities along the A96, including Moray.
Mike Rumbles: Now that the minister has received the study, after three and a half years of inaction, will he outline in detail what funding he has allocated to the project to fulfil the Government's commitment to complete the project within this term of its office?
Stewart Stevenson: It is passing strange that Mr Rumbles chooses to raise this subject, given the previous inertia and lack of attention to the needs of the users of the A96 and, specifically, the Inveramsay bridge. It is only due to the actions of the Administration that is now in office, along with the active and committed engagement of the local member, that we are seeing the kind of progress that is taking place. Mr Rumbles really ought to look at the progress that is being made, at the benefits that we seek to deliver and, particularly in these difficult times, at the acceleration of work on this that I have asked to take place.
Nanette Milne (North East Scotland) (Con): The minister will be aware that I have been urging action on the Inveramsay bridge for a number of years. He will also be aware that the height restrictions that were recently imposed on the bridge are forcing vehicles over 14ft 6in to divert via Colpy, which is impacting adversely on the local agricultural community. That not only has an impact on the local economy but leads to increased vehicle emissions.
The Presiding Officer: Question, please.
Nanette Milne: Will the minister give serious priority to the Inveramsay bridge? When might work be expected to start?
Stewart Stevenson: We are giving the bridge priority. We recognise the issues for freight traffic due to the change in the way in which heights are measured and are actively engaged in that matter.
Maureen Watt (North East Scotland) (SNP): Does the minister agree that, after 10 years of Liberal Democrats being in government in this place and 30 years of them representing the Gordon constituency in Westminster, it is only now, under the Scottish National Party Government, that Inveramsay bridge has featured in any transport plan and that action is being taken to address one of the most notorious bottlenecks in the north-east of Scotland?
Stewart Stevenson: Absolutely.