Transport Projects (Fife)
8. Claire Baker (Mid Scotland and Fife) (Lab): To ask the Scottish Executive what plans it has for new transport projects in Fife. (S3O-5263)
The Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change (Stewart Stevenson):
Transport Scotland's strategic transport projects review has recommended a package of surface transport schemes to be delivered over the next 20 years. In addition to the Forth replacement crossing securing cross-Forth travel between Fife and the Lothians remaining on schedule to open in 2016, the recommendations of the STPR include a wide range of improvements, such as improvements to the A92 through route management and targeted investment; the development of park-and-ride/park-and-choose sites on the A92; rail enhancements through more frequent and faster train services between Edinburgh, Cowdenbeath and Kirkcaldy; a direct double-track rail link between Halbeath and Inverkeithing to maintain the 60-minute commutable labour market around Edinburgh and improve access to the port of Rosyth; and the provision of light rapid transit connections between Fife and Edinburgh, connecting the communities in Fife with the business and commercial opportunities in Edinburgh and West Lothian.
Claire Baker: Will the minister confirm whether the Leven to Thornton rail link was considered for inclusion in the strategic transport projects review? If it was, why was the link not included in the Government's final proposals? Will the minister pledge to find central funding for the link, regardless of its omission from the STPR?
Stewart Stevenson: Many projects will be progressed that have not been deemed to be of strategic national importance. The Levenmouth railway project, which is a potentially very important intervention for an area in some economic distress, is currently being pursued by the south east of Scotland transport partnership. I look forward to hearing more about the outcome of SEStran's deliberations as those become available.