Strategic Transport Projects Review
4. Irene Oldfather (Cunninghame South) (Lab): To ask the Scottish Executive whether it has determined a date on which the findings of the strategic transport projects review will be announced. (S3O-5096)
The Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change (Stewart Stevenson):
Ministers have considered the emerging findings and there will be an announcement on the outcome of the review to Parliament on 10 December.
Irene Oldfather: I draw to the minister's attention a letter that I have received from the chief executive of North Ayrshire Council. It advises me that the council, its partners and the business community believe that upgrading the A737 is the single most important piece of investment to improve confidence in the economy of North Ayrshire. Will the minister assure me that the concerns of my local community will be taken into consideration in deciding the priorities and announcing the review's findings?
Stewart Stevenson: It would not be appropriate for me to anticipate the detail of next week's announcement, but I can say that three key factors will be applied. The first is to ensure the maximum efficient use of transport infrastructure; the second is to support the economy; and the third is to ensure that we have a safe network that is fit for purpose.