

5 March 2009

(S3O-6064) National Planning Framework (Consultation)

National Planning Framework (Consultation)

12. Mary Scanlon (Highlands and Islands) (Con): To ask the Scottish Executive whether it considers that the consultation carried out on the national planning framework for Scotland 2 was adequate. (S3O-6064)

The Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change (Stewart Stevenson):

We believe that a very full consultation was carried out. We complied fully with the commitments in the statutory participation statement, which was the first of its kind in Scotland. Planning Aid for Scotland commented:

"the methods used to raise awareness and seek comments have been wide-ranging and have incorporated a variety of consultation methods including targeted engagement, a website, a helpline, seminars, events and leaflets."

Mary Scanlon: I thank the minister for that most helpful answer. Although the development at Tornagrain on the A96 is not designated as a national project, it is mentioned in paragraph 272 of the NPF 2 document. Given its inclusion, some of my constituents are concerned that the development has been approved. Will the minister clarify that planning permission has still to be granted for the Tornagrain development and that a local consultation on the application will take place in the normal manner?

Stewart Stevenson: Yes.

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