Sarah Boyack (Lothian) (Lab): 3.
To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will meet the 2011 interim
environmental performance targets set out in its environmental policy.
The Minister for Environment and Climate Change (Stewart Stevenson):
2010-11 data regarding the Scottish Government’s environmental
performance is presently being compiled and will be published when
available. However, previous reports have shown that good progress is
being made in reducing business travel, and we are on track to meet our
2020 target to reduce the volume of waste material produced. We remain
committed to improving the Scottish Government’s overall environmental
Sarah Boyack: I welcome the progress that has
been made, but I ask the minister specifically about energy consumption.
The most recent environmental performance report published by the
Government, in November last year, said that the Scottish Government is
less than a third of the way to its 12.6 per cent target for March 2012,
even taking into account the fact that some buildings were empty for
part of the period. What is the minister doing to ensure that the
Scottish Government catches up and meets its target by next month?
Stewart Stevenson: We
are making significant progress. We are committed to reducing the size
of our estate, and expect to have done so by 25 per cent by 2016.
Already, 83 per cent of the electricity that is used in the core
Scottish Government estate is from renewable sources, so we are making
the kind of progress that members can reasonably expect.