

29 April 2010

(S3O-10310) Domestic Aviation

5. Patrick Harvie (Glasgow) (Green): To ask the Scottish Executive whether it supports an increase in domestic aviation between Scotland and other mainland United Kingdom airports. (S3O-10310)

The Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change (Stewart Stevenson):

The Scottish Government does not support an increase in domestic air services where practical and more environmentally friendly alternative forms of transport exist.

Patrick Harvie: That is encouraging. I have lost count of the number of times that the minister has told me in glowing terms of the statistics for his travel choices and his desire to reduce his reliance on domestic aviation. Why, then, is his neighbour in the ministerial tower, Jim Mather, responsible for an agency—VisitScotland—that is placing adverts in English newspapers that tell people to fly to Glasgow, Edinburgh or Aberdeen for a day trip to Scotland? The adverts will either increase domestic aviation, in which case they are incompatible with the minister's previous answer, or they will not do so, in which case they are a waste of money.

Stewart Stevenson: My colleague Mr Mather is most vigorous, energetic and successful in promoting Scotland's economic development. I look with great interest at the work of High Speed Two Ltd, part of whose remit is to consider the case for extending sustainable transport—high-speed rail—to Scotland. If that key initiative is pursued, hundreds of flights per week will be taken out of domestic aviation from Scotland, to be replaced by effective, environmentally friendly means of transport. The Government is utterly committed to that; would that some others were.

Jamie Stone (Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross) (LD): Notwithstanding the thrust of Patrick Harvie's question, will the minister examine how we can increase the number of domestic flights in and out of Wick airport, which has spare capacity? As a matter of priority, will he ask the enterprise network and his transport officials to examine how we can maximise that opportunity?

Stewart Stevenson: Wick airport is one airport where practical, more environmentally friendly options are substantially more limited, therefore it is an important part of the transport infrastructure for the far north of Scotland. I note, in particular, that take-up of the air discount scheme is lower in Caithness and the north of Scotland than elsewhere. I encourage people to register for the scheme, as that will reduce the cost of air travel and make journeys more effective. I talk regularly to the airlines that serve Wick, and we are supporting their operations. I will continue to talk to them and I have taken note of the issue that the member raises.

John Scott (Ayr) (Con): Notwithstanding Patrick Harvie's views, I trust that the minister recognises the valuable contribution that Prestwick airport makes to the economy of Ayrshire, and, indeed, the equivalent contribution that I am sure airports make to other areas. I hope that the Scottish Government will continue to do everything possible, wherever and however it can, to support the development of Prestwick airport and the local jobs that rely upon it.

Stewart Stevenson: Prestwick airport is clearly an important part of the economy of the area that the member represents.

It may be appropriate to take the opportunity to thank airport operators for their substantial contribution to ensuring that transport continued to operate in a way that limited the damage that was done to transport choices recently when there was ash over the United Kingdom. They did a very good job.

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