6. Cathy Peattie (Falkirk East) (Lab): To ask the Scottish Executive what action it has taken to address dangerous and antisocial parking since May 2007. (S3O-9491)
The Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change (Stewart Stevenson):
Enforcement of parking restrictions that are imposed by local authorities under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 is a matter for the police or, where decriminalised parking enforcement has been introduced, for parking attendants who are employed by or under contract to the local authority.
Cathy Peattie: The minister will agree that, in fact, that is not working. Pavement parking creates a risk for children, parents with buggies and people with disabilities who have wheelchairs or scooters. Will he consider how the measures can be strengthened and perhaps how local authorities can introduce byelaws to end pavement parking?
Stewart Stevenson: Local authorities have powers to promote traffic regulation orders under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. That allows them to cover wide areas and hotspots where such unhelpful and unsocial parking takes place. I encourage them to do so. My officials will be happy to advise, if that is of assistance.